God Alaina, what have you done... I daresay if I didn't blizzard there I would have no reason to be so proud.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Battleguard Satura DOWN!

Well we did it, and I am very very proud of them. We managed to down the bitch. Despite the noobs not getting out of the way, or stunning. Or just sitting in the whirlwind... or RUNNING back into the fucking group when they got aggro, wipping us. The fucking mages blinked back into the group and ice-blocked guess what's going to happen? Fuck other mages are useless. As you can guess, we got some very nice loot from Satura, very nice indeed.

So in order to preserve this feeling, after the raid some of us from RCW got together and reinacted the fight, in a LARPing manner. We fought and clashed with our foam swords, and Vincent couldn't get the positioning right, since the park bench and and trees made the LARP area a bit different then the actually room. But after numerous wipes, we managed to overcome her (we hit her 50 times with our foam swords and axes before she hit us all once) And we all walked away with our loot.

That is myself in the middle, Sumatai in the front and Alaina in the back.


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